​Acme Paving C​onsultants Pte Ltd
​"30 Years Of Innovative Solutions For Airports, Heli-Runways, Military Airfields, Ports, Roads And Rivers With Performance Based Products​"

Company Registration No. 199409193G​
Pantech Business Hub, Pandan Loop, Block 192, #05-16, Singapore 128381
Tel: (65) 6861 5668, Email: acmepaving@singnet.com.sg
Acme Paving Consultants Pte Ltd (APC), was incorporated in December 1994 for the provision of consulting and management services in the field of concrete block paving.
Our main scope of services includes:
*Supply and installation of concrete block, batching and mixing plants.
*Design of heavy duty pavements, such as for airports, ports and roads.
*Supply of sealants and supervision of sealing block pavements.
*Provision of mix designs and the supervision for production.

Licensing of Innovative concepts:
1. Innovative Paver System -United States and European patents.
2. Reflective Pavers and Kerbs - United States and European patents.
3. APC Paveseel-Global leader in block pavement sealing-Registered
4. Erosion control system - Registered Design No: D2012/1207H and Patent

Our reputation is built on providing quality and timely services services for our customers satisfaction.